Cryptid Farm

Play Cryptid Farm
A “peaceful” farming experience for you and your friends…

Cryptid Farm is a tense horror experience where you'll take care of your patch of land, growing crops from scratch and attempting to survive the mysterious happenings on the farm. Singleplayer or multiplayer, everyone shares a single farm space where they'll work together (or against each other) to grow their produce and use those funds to ultimately escape the farm.

Your main farming routine will involve planting, watering, harvesting, and then refilling your watering can at the corners of the field. You'll have access to a range of 8 different crops to try growing, each with unique looks and attributes. Progress your farming ability over time with upgrades that will allow you to manage bigger and larger farms.

There’s something moving out there. Is it after your crops… or after you?

Keep an ear out and stay alert, prepare yourself for any sign of danger. The farm is often visited by a variety of dangerous creatures which can pose a threat at any time, each hunting in a unique way. It’ll be up to you to pay attention to their behaviours and pick up on tips to help you survive. However, don't rely on patterns as the farm is brimming with unpredictable events that will surprise even the most steadfast worker.

Cryptid Farm is designed with multiplayer in mind and features online multiplayer for up to 16 players per room, perfect for any friend group or public server. The game uses Photon Networking and the Photon Cloud as it's server system. It can also be played singleplayer for those willing to brave it alone.

Do you think you can escape from Cryptid Farm?
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
