Derelict - First Person Shooter

Play Derelict - First Person Shooter
    Changes made:

    - New map for Survival Mode!
    - Fix to the 'Turn Speed' control in the pause menu because it wasn't working properly, now it should
    - Performance fixes to map from previous update
    - Adjustments to aim assist
    For over 20 years, this space station was lost. An old facility used as a prison and research facility containing some of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy...

    Something went wrong here, everyone's dead, it's your mission to enter and collect data from it but... are you really alone in there?

    This is a First Person Shooter game taking place in this abandoned station, the game has one game mode: Survival Mode.

    In future updates campaign and multiplayer will be added into it, as well as new content like new maps, weapons, enemies and general revamping and bug fixes.

    Enjoy the game and if you wish to know more then please send me a message here in my Facebook page:
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • IOS


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