One Touch Defender (original)

Play One Touch Defender (original)
This is the Android port of the original "Space Bar Defender," a project made for the Epic Games MegaJam 2021, "Running out of Space." You can download the original desktop game and view the game jam submission at

Your homeworld is being invaded, and YOU must build up the defenses to protect it! You have one tool and one tool only to help you: the "Touch Bar". Simply press down on the almighty key to place turrets, but be careful! You only have limited room, and limited space, and if misplaced, the turret's lost! If all else fails, you can activate the "Super Space Weapon" during a wave to stop all enemies and deal massive damage- at a cost. Will you defend your homeworld in time, or will the Touch Bar run out?

Join the Quantum Quantonium discord server to discuss the game!

This game will be updated under a new listing as I plan to add additional features. This specific listing will remain free and under open testing- please give me feedback on ways you think the game is good or can improve!
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
