Paranormal Inc. Preview

Play Paranormal Inc. Preview
    Get a taste of Paranormal Inc. in this preview.
    Full version here:

    In full version you get:
    - More levels
    - More cameras in each level
    - More anomalies in each level
    - Difficulty levels
    - No Ads

    After looking for a job for a long time, you started as an operator in a
    company named "Paranormal Inc." You will watch live CCTV footage and report the anomalies you see.

    A very good blend of reality and paranormal observation duty.
    With real life footages this horror game gets even more scarier.

    ★ Find and report unusual activity in the footages
    ★ Try to avoid sending false reports
    ★ Earn enough xp points to unlock next location
    ★ Very realistic gameplay with real life footage
    ★ Creepy and scary locations
    ★ Supports many languages

    ★ Subtitles option for those who can't hear noise/sound anomalies
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV
