
Play SoundWarpAR
    Record your voice and visualize it in the world around you using Augmented Reality (AR). Move in and out of your recorded path to replay the sound at any point. Use the replay to recreate the path and watch it grow in real time.

    With this app, you can record sound and move through it in the world around you. Moving through a recording backward will cause it to play in reverse. Moving slow or fast through a recording will change the speed at which the sound plays.

    I created this app to explore ways of mixing the physical and virtual world.

    Upcoming features include:

    Many more cool visualizations.
    Send your recordings to friends.
    Save your recordings for later use.
    Save recordings to the GPS location it was taken for others to find.

    *Only available on ARkit compatible devices.
    *Requires iOS 11 or higher.
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • IOS


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