Stack Crusher - helix smash games

Play Stack Crusher  - helix smash games
    Smash all of them! Make a blast by hitting stack blocks in a helix smash arcade “Stack Crusher - helix smash games”. It is as addictive as usual stack ball fall games, but with its own unique feature - you will play as a karate fighter smashing stack blocks with a knife hand strike hit! Feel like an experienced karate master and crash all the platforms blocking your way to victory!

    Enjoy the bright and fun gameplay and do your best to reach the end of each stack! Crash platforms by hitting them with a famous Japanese tegatana strike and remove all the stack blocks off your way. Start playing once and you’ll forget about stack ball hitting games forever! Discover the challenging platform crash game “Stack Crusher - helix smash games” and set your own record in stack blocks hitting!
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV
