Synchronizacja - Visual Novel

Play Synchronizacja - Visual Novel
Play your part in the story
Enter the world of Synchronicity and discover its secrets! Follow one of the two available stories. Together with the characters, search for answers in a peculiar world. Find out what's behind it all... And try to break the infinite time loop.
Your choices
Two different stories. Two people hungry for change. A rapidly changing world and an emerging new reality that turns out to be far from ideal. Shape a challenging and complex story, influenced by your choices. Uncover the hidden layers of a story.
Travel to the year 8022 and meet Vivian, a member of the space program. Immerse yourself in a disturbing adventure and explore a newly discovered world.
Choose the story of Magnus and travel to the year 10753 for a journey into humanity's darkest hour. Face a grim world ruled by machine lords.
An intricate mystery unfolds
Discover what both stories have in common.
Enter Synchronicity and embark on a journey.
Doubts. Dilemmas. Promises. Hope. Struggle. Freedom.
When the "synchronization process" begins, time and reality cease to be what they were.

Main features of the game:
Episodic adventure game
Choices that directly affect the ending of the story
Explore the insights of two characters: each character has a different story to tell
A multi-layered plot that unfolds into a complex tangle of intrigue
Poignant, original soundtrack
Polish voice acting
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows


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