Latest Mobile/PC Game Releases
The lost paradise:escape room
Fixed in-app purchase bugI open my eyes in a daze, familiar and strange before my eyes. Through an eerie room and a very painful story emerging in front of your eyes, all the room as you choose the constantly changing step by step, like a person's life, faced with numerous...
Fly Fishing 3D II
The following service ended.<br>*Online Tournament<br>*RankingThe second fly fishing game that exceeded 4million DL in the world!Experience our new fly fishing game with overwhelmingly evolved 3D graphics!!Also, it became more exciting by adding new elements: Underwater camera, new actions, fight scene, and competing with NPCs!*Extremely beautiful 3D...
Campfire Cooking
PuzzleCasual- Bug fixes and improvements.Campfire Cooking is a puzzle game about relaxing moments in nature, as you prepare meals over a warm fire. Discover the joy of cooking on a stick and test your problem-solving skills with some challenging campfire puzzles! The latest creation from Layton Hawkes is guaranteed to...
◇◇游戏简介◇◇《粉碎狂热》是一款消除类RPG,通过消除来对敌人进行攻击,满足一定的条件之后还能发动强力的技能,更有狂热模式助你逆转逆境获得胜利。◇◇游戏特色◇◇1) 只要点按就可拥有「超爽快」的体验!《粉碎狂热》中只要透过点按的简单操作就可以体验到最高级的「爽快感」。只要1次点按就可以连锁粉碎色珠。超华丽效果的粉碎技能、一发逆转的狂热模式等,多样化的系统让你感受更多的「爽快感」!2) 以「假想世界」作为主题,让人兴奋无比的设计!《粉碎狂热》以假想世界为舞台。纯白的背景搭配上圆圈式的设计,重视漂浮感以及身临其境的环境体验。独一无二的明亮世界设计为你带来更多的「爽快感」!3) 4人同心协力更爽快!最多可以4人同时连线,与朋友同心协力来破关。该从哪里开始破坏呢?何时该使用狂热模式呢?边战斗边进行沟通,让你有4倍的欢乐,连爽快感也有4倍!!
游戏特色——六大门派的十二位天骄各领风骚,如梦似幻的唯美画面蜀山、苗疆、魔宫、唐门、佛门、武林盟各位天之骄子,可在这无垠天地,四海八荒内谱写永恒故事;峨嵋山、姑苏、洛阳、天墉城、明霞仙府、寒山寺,谁能伴你看遍这如画风景?-- 300种天地神通,构成全新技能体系流星、燕返、无定、无界、凤舞回元、不死不灭、返本归元、有生于无、百剑绕指、万剑归一、五雷符法、九幽阴风、通幽续命、呼幽唤灵、血雨腥风、祸水滔天……多种奇妙法门,一门必有一锁。-- 同城互动,跨服互动,身边都有仙侣LBS玩法能使你在现实城市中发布定位任务,咖啡厅、喷泉边、房间里、朋友家,都可能有意想不到的收获;更有跨服同城互动,我们在这个世界里,我一定会找到你。-- 不服就PK,你不服你来,你们不服你们一起来比武、切磋、竞技、帮战、跨服战,没有最强只有更强,你觉得你厉害,你来试试咯。-- 自由贸易,万物皆不是梦公平公正的绿色交易环境,通用易懂的社会经济体系,让每位玩家在游戏中都能无障碍网上淘宝。-- 时装染色,彰显个性雁回醉墨、春雪早梅、霜天晓角,酷炫时装随性搭配;武器、发饰、衣服、异兽、坐骑,多样染色引领时尚巅峰。-- 飞行坐骑飞檐走壁乾坤飞剑、太虚古龙、深海蓝鲸,风格各异的飞行坐骑,带给你全新的视觉享受。
Funghi's Den
SimulationCasualThis app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.Thank you everyone for playing Funghi's Den!We've added three new story events after rank 51 for this update![Rank 51 ~ 60]"Damsel" arrives one day to open a Fashion Store!Will everyone here really become...
- Bugs fixed;Thank you for playing Oruna!Our latest Release - The Secret Elevator - a puzzle adventure wrapped with mystery atmospheric music is available for download!Oruna is a unique atmospheric puzzle game which has own philosophy of expression life and a particular approach to tasks.
中式拉面馆是一款公主美味美食餐厅经营小游戏。YoYo从小就有一个梦想,那就是开一家自己的中式拉面馆,不仅仅是这样,YoYo也不断的为自己的梦想而努力着。平日里YoYo就喜欢自己动手做一些漂亮又好吃的美食,神奇的是每次YoYo做出来的美食都非常美味,她的努力与天赋受到了长辈们的认可,YoYo的梦想从那时起便更加坚定。现在YoYo长大了,几十年的努力得到了回报,在爸爸妈妈的帮助与朋友的支持下,YoYo的第一家中式拉面馆开张了!她的小店开在海滩边上,虽然店面不大,也很简陋,但是YoYo很喜欢这样的感觉,每天都有不同的游客来光顾她的小店,这样的日子让她觉得忙碌又满足。今天又是忙碌的一天,YoYo早早打开了中式拉面馆的门,现在跟YoYo来学习一下如何做一个美味又好看的美味牛肉拉面吧!要知道漂亮又好吃的美味牛肉拉面是谁都拒绝不了的哦!来吧!加入中式拉面馆!游戏特色:- 教你如何做一个漂亮又美味的中式拉面- YoYo的中式拉面馆经营小游戏- YoYo的中式拉面馆开张啦!快来看看吧- 跟YoYo一起学习制作美味拉面吧- 丰富的美味拉面制作食材任你挑选- 游戏操作简单易上手,但是玩耍乐趣无穷- 精致流畅的画面,活泼可爱的画风- 生动的场景设计,美妙的背景音乐
Stick Ranger
RPGActionSupport iOS 17.Improved stability and performance.Fixed some bugs.This game is the 18th mobile game for the Web Game Site "DAN-BALL".Adventure of 4 Stickmans!It's a simple action RPG. Battle enemies in a variate of environments across a huge map including, grasslands, caverns, deserts, and snowfields!Use items to...
Tank Force: War games of Blitz
ActionShooterCasual* The new season tank Nightmare[P]<br>* Rounded wheels<br>* Displaying the latest messages from the chat on the Main Screen<br>* Cannon angles - now depends on the design features of the vehicle<br>* Reworked aiming<br>* Added support for deferred payments on PlayMarket<br>* Removed texture compression on default quality settings<br>* Added new effects...
Nine Stones
一群魔兽侵略了平静的村庄!和个性迥异的英雄们并肩战斗赢得胜利吧!构筑自己的专属卡组和战略的乐趣!越玩越好玩的游戏!Nine Stones!【游戏情报】和最强的英雄进行实时战斗。利用战略去赢得胜利!【详情】▶实时PVP对战- 从防御即将要进攻的敌人- 通过通知可随时参加战斗▶多种战斗内容- 以四个主题构成的征服战- 让魔兽群陷落的防御战- 攻击其他玩家村庄的侵略战▶英雄养成系统- 通过战斗集齐英雄并且进行育成- 用拥有多种技能的英雄组成自己的队伍Facebook 粉丝网址:
Stones Of Gaia
Puzzle"Stones Of Gaia" is a simple addictive puzzle game wrapped in a mystery and beautiful 3D world.Your job is to move colored stones by finger swiping. The goal is to put each stone on its final position. The challenge is that the stones are moving together.Are you ready to start?...
新版增加了“新星殿堂”“专题搜罗”“完美饰演”等多个新玩法,以及全新升级的冲榜活动。新增新星殿堂:每次寻访都有机会获得殿堂艺人合同,而且必定获得殿堂币,可用于在殿堂商店里兑换殿堂艺人合同;新增专题搜罗活动:可按剧本专题搜罗更多优质剧本!新增完美饰演系统:使用特定的艺人出演特定的剧本角色,将获得票房加成冲榜活动全新升级:新增不同电影片型(科幻片、奇幻片等)冲榜挑战!Google Play最具创新力游戏优秀新游推荐,独特模拟经营创新玩法,明星大亨玩转其中化身名导,纵横影视圈,拍属于你的大卖电影 !这是一个逆袭的故事,可在游戏中收集数百位当红明星,全方位多角度培养,提高演艺技能,支持你最爱的明星。海量剧本,任你挑选,搜罗千万神级剧本,拍摄大卖电影,横扫奥斯卡,占领全球市场,缔造属于自己的影业传奇!
Minesweeper OL
iPhone 6/6+ compatibilityClassic Minesweeper with original Windows graphics, and the cleanest, most minimalist Minesweeper UI for iOS. Play on beginner, intermediate, or expert mode -- pan around and pinch to zoom!How to play:- tap a square to clear it- tap and hold to flag/unflag
Swipe Shootout: Basketball Fun
[v1.1.0 Update]+Minor UI changes and fixes.Let's play something different!Check out this swipe basketball shooting simulation game like no other.A simple, fun, and easy to learn street style finger basketball shooting game. Simply swipe from left to right to shoot the ball. Perform trick shots by swiping...
The Master Of Plunder(M.O.P)
Update Patch!1. Guild Siege warfare release2. New Package Items added in the Store3. Trade enhanced item & Empower Scroll4. New items added in the Store5. Story mode(MYTH) nerffacebook :▶ Chaotic world where plunder rules- Raid and plunder global players to gain trophy and...
懸賞リバーシ - 最強AIに君は勝てる!?- 定番 ボードゲーム
遊ぶだけ!ギフト券/ギフトコードが無料でもらえる懸賞アプリ登場!貯めたポイントでAmazonギフト券などがもらえます!難易度は全5段階!全てクリアできるか!?▼特徴◯無料で制限なく遊べます!◯応募するほど当選率アップ!◯会員登録一切不要!◯メアド登録だけの簡単応募!▼注意事項本アプリはApple社が実施するものでは御座いません。又、Apple Inc.及びApple Japan Inc(アップルジャパン株式会社)含む関連会社は一切関係ありません。
Ball Breaker - Swipe Brick
ActionStrategy** 不具合修復このゲームは暇な時遊べる、頭を徹底的にリラックスできる!あなたの目標はただ一つ!ブロックを潰すこと!ゲーム操作:クラシックモード:指で小球を動かし、角度を選んで、ブロックを潰して、ポイントを獲得しましょう!ゲーム特徴:指一本で簡単に遊べる!頭をリラックスできる!超体験カジュアルゲーム!
Lumber Well: Crush And Rush
Fixed small issues.Added Gift Button.Are you ready for adventures? Then let me introduce a new game Lumber Well: Crush And Rush. Lumber Well: Crush And Rush is a hardcore fascinating runner. You're Harry, a lumberman. Lumberman's life is hard and unpredictable. He's chopping trees, killing bears and stinky skunks, overcoming...
Rock & Rolling
Right now at this moment!The best battle game awaits you!All you have left is victory!Be transformed into a golem and be the last winner!=== Introduction ===- Easy operation- Make your own rocks with photos- Various rock skins- dozens...
Mountain Sniper Counter Shooter 3D Shooting Game
== New Environment Added++ New many exciting levels added== Game Play improved== User Experience made betterWelcome to the most thrilling sniper target shooting game! Enter into an intense army war as an American sniper shooter to target enemy forces on huge mountains.Choose extreme mountain sniper target shooting missions,...
Latest Online/HTML5 Game Releases
Little Panda Truck Team - Build The City
AnimalcityEducationalLittle Panda's truck Team is a very addictive game. In this game, you need to help the truck team build the railway station and rebuild the amusement park. You will use various kinds of trucks to do your work. Use a roller to flatten the road, a forklift to lay...
Cycle Sprint Master
3D3D GamesBikeDo you like to participate in exciting bike races? Cycle Sprint is a good choice for you. You'll compete against multiple contestants to collect as many energy bottles as possible, which will increase your forward speed! There are three maps, each with twenty-one levels, and each map will be ranked...
Orco The Dragon Crown
ActionBattleWizardThe Dragon Crown has had its 7 jewels stolen by the wizard and his army of undead. Help Orco smash his way through the undead army and find dragon eggs which contain stolen jewels, and restore the Dragon Crown to its full glory
Huggy Army Commander
ArmyBattleBrainHuggy Army Commander is an interesting game for the person who wants to manage the army. Collect the military cards to start the battle. Fight as soon as your soldiers are assembled. Your task is to manage the army, collect military cards to unlock more camps to get the success!...
İmpostor Alien
2DActionAdventureFinish 5 episodes with the impostor alien Don't run into obstacles and collect diamonds
Dream Wedding
CollectionKidsMobileDream Wedding is an attractive game for people who like dress up games! Slide to select the outfits, such as, hairstyle, clothes, shoes,etc. Besides, the decorations of the wedding also can selected in this game! They will give you a satisfying experience! Come and play!
Join Numbers
AvoidKidsLogicJoin Numbers is a popular puzzle game. How about your math skills? This game needs you to pass the different number's gates. You will start the game with a number, move the number to control it through the number's gates on the road ahead, the number you control must be...
Skeleton Dungeon
ActionAdventureHalloweenYou went into the dungeon because you heard there were gold and silver coins there. What you didn't know was that the place was filled with creepy skeletons and a person trapped there in the dungeon that you need to set free. You can revisit areas that you have been...
Evil Granny: City Terror
AdventureEscapeweaponsYou are trapped in City. Find and collect 8 Keys and get out. It wont be easy as is sounds. City is hunted by Evil Granny and her puppets. Good luck!
Best Friend DIY
CrazyCreationDress UpGalya is a very modest girl. It is difficult for her to meet new people and make friends. One day she decided to create her own best friend with her own hands! Galya works as a scientist in a laboratory. Join her in her research and help make the discovery...
Body Race 2
There is no weight limit on beauty! Own the runway and race to the finish line to stun in cutting-edge fashion. Stay body positive! But, along the way, you'll be met by various obstacles: various food and fitness gear. Catch the ones that help you hit the target and win...
Doll Designer 3
3DArcadeDress UpWelcome to our new fantastic Outfits challenge game, Doll DressUp Run 3D Game Doll Designer game requires you to design your own doll and win the exciting new dress runner game. In this game, your mission is to collect clothes, shoes, long hair, high heels, fancy shirts on your way...
Count Masters: Stickman Games
.io Games3D GamesCollectionChoose the best gate, pass through it, and bring stickman warriors together to clash with the opposing crowd. Become the crowd master and lead your people through the crowded city till the end of this epic race. Crash obstacles and beat everyone on your way, collect coins and upgrade your...
My Sweet Strawberry Outfits
Dress UpFashionGirlsHey girl, welcome to the My Sweet Strawberry Outfits game. Rainbow high girls Skyler, Sunny, Ruby, and Violet are planning to do something special on the weekend. They have an idea to design their own strawberry outfit. Help them with the clothes to create a cute outfit, and complete the...
Merge Master - Army Commander
1 Player3D GamesActionIt's time to join this island war and battle game! Start from small units of troops and merge them to get more power! win battles, level up, equip the army and fight strong armies! Simple, fun and yet challenging, Merge Master Army Commander is filled with adventure for you to...
Merge Master
3DBattleBattlegroundsMerge Master: Dinosaur Fusion is a cool real-time strategy game for everyone. You need to think fast to beat all the enemies by combing your dinosaurs on your battlefield. Combine quickly and actively attack enemies to gain control of enemy positions and possess greater power than the opponent. At the...
Spa With Daddy Game
BabyCuteDecorateIt's Jessica's birthday and her dream birthday present is going to the spa with her dad! Of course her father would promise her, she would give her whatever she wanted! A day at the spa wasn't a good time for Dad, he didn't know what was in it. He is...
Baby Taylor Crafting Fun
BabyCookingCuteTaylor is a girl who likes to do crafts very much, and she often makes gifts for friends. Taylor's mother's birthday is coming up and Taylor decided to make some gifts, bags, cookies and greeting cards for her. Taylor is afraid that she will be too slow, please help her...
Maze Escape 3D
3DAndroidBoyMaze Escape 3D is a free online escape game for boys with the theme of the maze. You need to quickly walk through the complex maze in a limited time. Many forks require you to distinguish the right road and try every means to find the exit. There are also...
EnderStick Skymap
1 Player2DActionenderstickman has to survive in the white forest full of fears. He must be very careful to survive and collect all the emeralds. Follow the path and reach the portal while collecting emeralds. Remember, not the fastest, but the strongest reaches the portal. Don't be in a hurry, watch out...
Cute Penguen
2DActionAdventureFinish the 5-episode parkour with this cute penguin! Don't hit the obstacles and collect all the diamonds while passing the levels
Merge Tanks: Idle Tank Merger
ActionAdventureShootingExplore the world of cartoons about tanks! Merge Tank is clicker simulation game with funny cartoon art style. Collect all awesome battle vehicles: KV-44, leviathan, gerand, panzer, tiger and more! Can you get to the most epic tank KV-44? Get all into your garage and become battle tycoon. Make the...
Green Bird Escape
EscapePoint And ClickGreen Bird Escape is a point and click game developed by 8B Games/Games2live. Imagine that you had been to a village, a bird is trapped there. Here is the interesting puzzles and hidden objects to find and rescue the bird. Good luck.. Have fun!
3D3D GamesBlockSpeedrun all the levels and share your score with your friends. Jump through blocks and don't fall into the lava. Compete with your friends and collect chests fulled with emeralds. Its time to show off your parkour skills! +Show your talent by completing 10 different maps that get harder and...
Junior Apple
2DActionAdventureBe careful not to burn the little apple! Collect coin and you must complete 5 levels without getting stuck